Pain points in e-Governance – 8 : Non-Adoption of Master Data Management

Non-Adoption of Master Data Management India has 662538 villages, 283967 local bodies and 736 districts. Many villages have the same name. Have you ever wondered spelling of your district, city, village, wards, etc., are different in various records given by departments. Department uses a different naming convention for its administrative purpose. Some use Census code, a few uses Local Government codes and others use their code. Census code changes during each cenus. Data across departments becomes fragmented and duplicated Due to different codes for the same places, sharing data among programs and across systems is often impossible because of integration issues. This creates a huge roadblock in consolidated reporting. Many times it leads to dispute. Thereby reducing the chances of Improving service delivery, streamlining operations and efficient Decision Making. Since data is stored in various databases, storage infrastructure is also more, which adds...