
Showing posts with the label File

Good Governance Application 1 : e-Office

  Satisfaction For me it’s one of the stage, when we achieve a daunting and nearly impossible task, in time, with neat & smooth finish. This particular task had all possible resistance and was more prone to sabotage. Yet with precise planning, dedicated & committed team and also with huge support from the highest possible level in bureaucracy, we could execute it like a cake walk. Government moves with file. Every letter received by an public or any service given to stakeholders or any policy decision or for that matter anything in government are recorded in note sheet of file and decision are taken accordingly. This system is accountable and full proof. The issue with manual filing system is tracking is difficult, delay, tampering, loss etc., and more over the process consumed more paper. It is assumed that, in manual system an average document was photocopied 19 times, paper files get doubled every 3.5 years , paper usage in an average office grows 22 percent a y...